Saturday, November 22, 2008



We think is written by a man (78%).

Is this because it's literate? Because it is not emotional? Because it's political?

Wish I knew what the critera were.


Jim Yeager said...

That's interesting. My rating was only 69% man.

Time to play with other people's URLs...

Scorpio said...

Hey, there's a guy in my workgroup who comes over to talk to me because I'm the nearest thing to a guy after him. All women. I bet he thinks that this group is alien.

Jim Yeager said...

That's nothing. Both of the night shift crews at the print shop are all male, and our new boss is a lesbian. Better still, she probably weighs about eighty pounds soaken wet, and no one dares to mess with her. I think the whole arrangement's a gas...

Scorpio said...

Yeah, I went to a picnic once where the gay men were defeated by the volleyball net, and the Lesbians had to come put it up for them. What a hoot!